The Ins and Outs of Planned Sex vs. Scheduled Sex

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When it comes to sex in a relationship, there are many factors to consider. One topic that often comes up is the idea of planned sex versus scheduled sex. While these terms may sound similar, they actually represent two different approaches to intimacy in a relationship. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of planned sex versus scheduled sex, and how each can impact a relationship.

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Understanding Planned Sex

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Planned sex refers to the idea of intentionally setting aside time for intimacy with your partner. This could mean scheduling a date night, setting aside a specific evening for romance, or simply making a conscious effort to prioritize physical intimacy in your relationship. The key here is the intentionality behind the act – planned sex involves making a deliberate effort to connect with your partner on a physical level.

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One of the benefits of planned sex is that it allows couples to prioritize intimacy in their relationship, even when life gets busy. By setting aside time for sex, couples can ensure that their physical connection doesn’t fall by the wayside amidst the chaos of everyday life. Additionally, planned sex can also add an element of anticipation and excitement to the relationship, as both partners look forward to their scheduled intimate time together.

However, some people may view planned sex as lacking spontaneity or passion. They may worry that scheduling sex takes away from the natural, organic flow of intimacy in a relationship. Additionally, there may be concerns that planned sex could feel forced or obligatory, rather than a genuine expression of desire.

Understanding Scheduled Sex

On the other hand, scheduled sex involves setting a regular, recurring time for intimacy in a relationship. This could mean designating a specific day of the week for sex, or even scheduling specific times during the day for physical connection. The key difference here is the regularity of the scheduled intimacy – rather than planning specific one-off events, scheduled sex involves establishing a routine for physical connection.

One of the benefits of scheduled sex is that it can help couples maintain a consistent level of intimacy in their relationship. By designating regular times for sex, couples can ensure that their physical connection remains a priority, even when life gets hectic. Additionally, scheduled sex can help couples overcome any barriers to intimacy, such as differing sex drives or busy schedules, by providing a predictable and reliable time for physical connection.

However, some people may view scheduled sex as lacking spontaneity or romance. They may worry that setting a regular schedule for intimacy takes away from the excitement and passion of physical connection. Additionally, there may be concerns that scheduled sex could feel routine or mechanical, rather than a genuine expression of desire.

Finding the Right Balance

Ultimately, the decision between planned sex and scheduled sex comes down to what works best for you and your partner. Some couples may find that a combination of both approaches – planning specific intimate events while also establishing a regular schedule for physical connection – offers the best of both worlds. Others may prefer to let intimacy unfold naturally, without any predetermined plans or schedules.

Regardless of which approach you choose, communication is key. Be open and honest with your partner about your needs and desires when it comes to physical intimacy. Discussing your preferences and concerns can help you find a solution that works for both of you, whether that means embracing planned sex, scheduled sex, or a more spontaneous approach to intimacy.

In the end, the most important thing is to prioritize physical connection in your relationship, whatever form that may take. By making intimacy a priority, you can strengthen your bond with your partner and create a fulfilling and satisfying relationship.